Progressive Health Worldwide is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a simple mission: to have the biggest impact on children's health per dollar spent. We believe this means bringing life-saving resources to children in the developing world who are dying of treatable causes such as malnutrition and tuberculosis.

Our Goals
Tuberculosis (TB), though entirely treatable, is a leading cause of death from infectious disease in the world today. Children are particularly impacted by TB--a child dies about every eight minutes from this disease. We hope to change this one child at a time.
India has more TB cases than any other country, gaining 1.9 million new cases each year even though the disease can be effectively treated for less than a dollar a day. PHWW launched a mobile pediatric TB program in India in 2006 with the goal of saving children's lives and aiding in the global eradication of this disease. We believe there is no better way a dollar can be spent.
We continually look for new approaches and revolutionary ideas to help people most in need of resources transform their lives. Progressive Health Worldwide is always eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Please contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
How We Work
Progressive Health Worldwide was founded as a nonprofit charitable organization by ProgressiveRx. ProgressiveRx generously funded PHWW's initial treatment pilot program and continues to cover our administrative costs, so we are able to direct 100% of individual donations to PHWW toward curing children of disease and malnutrition. Supporters like you are critical because we must rely on individual donations to continue and expand our programs. To make a donation, please click here.
PHWW operates with a small staff which includes a doctor, Medical Officer, Senior TB Supervisor, Senior TB Laboratory Supervisor, Senior TB Laboratory Staff, Health Visitors, and over 200 invaluable community volunteers. Our staff in India are shared with our Pavagada partner, the Swami Vivekananda Integrated Rural Health Centre.
In addition to ProgressiveRx and individual donors, our foundation and corporate support for our projects in 2008 included:
Integra Life Sciences Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Integra Foundation
Stryker Foundation
GreenPrint Technologies, LLC
Starbucks Foundation
World Federation of Neurological Surgeons
Great Plains Rehabilitation Services
Verizon Foundation
Swagat Indian Cuisine
Curry Leaf
Chennai Masala
Lentil Garden
East India Co.
Tandoor India Kitchen
Plainfield's Mayur Restaurant
Progressive Health Worldwide is a member of the global